“Sometimes it was about someone who had just hurt himself with a pruning knife, and the Deserter knew a fantastic remedy using alcohol and arnica flower.”
Le Déserteur © Gallimard
Fo ouëndre de dzenéybro po é rematrësse.
You should rub down with juniper berries to combat rheumatic disorders.
He created the polychromy of a number of crucifixes sculpted in wood, and was also entrusted with pictorial decorations of cupboards.
He made several cupboards for families of the Val d’Hérens. Shown on this cupboard dating back to 1854 are the coats of arms of Seppey and Sierro.
He might have been a fugitive and he might have been a criminal, but why didn’t he sell his expertise as a commercial transaction? Why didn’t he strive to get out of hardship?

Hanging cupboard with the coat of arms of Sierro and Seppey./strong>
Jean Sirro 1854 Marie Seppey
83 x 68 x 32 cm. © Robert Hofer, Sion

If you were given the job of designing your family’s coat of arms, what would be on it?